My Favourite Sites

My Favourite Sites are some sites that interest me. The broad categories of sites include: internet, software tips, making money from Internet, health issues. Sites related to web design, web promotion also interest me.

Friday, November 24, 2006

All Google Services in One Page

Do you regularly use google services? Then here is a web site to help with all your searching from a single page.

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Optimizing MySQL queries

If you are working with MySQL database, you will be interested in optimizing the queries to your database. Optimizing the queries also increases the speed with which the data is fetched among other factors.

Techrepublic has a nice article dealing with this subject of query optimization.

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Guitar Hero II

The Guitar Hero 2 Bundle is a hard-rockin' follow-up to the critically acclaimed rhythm game. Prove you're worthy of rock stardom by covering classic rock, "hair metal", heavy metal, modern rock and alt-rock hits. The new multiplayer co-op mode lets you team up with friends -- you play lead guitar and get a friend to handle rhythm and bass. Guitar Hero II features more than 55 songs and includes the Guitar Hero SG controller.

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Wireless Power!

What's old is new again! And no, I'm not talking about vintage clothingvintage clothing or economic populism. Scientists are coming up with a new system of wireless power based on century-old physics developed by Nikola Tesla. Could this solve the world's energy problems?

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Get a free stormpay account - See benifits below

Stormpay is a leader in online money transfer. Create a free account with Stormpay and avail all the below benifits:

1) Free Online Auction listings; 2) StormClix - Get paid to click advertisements; 3) Low $1 transaction fees; 4) StormPay Debit Cards; 5) Free Affiliate Program; 6) Mass Pay Feature 7) Subscription Billing; 8) Easy Button Creation Wizards; 9) Stormpay Email 10) Your free web site 11) And much more!

PS: The website again is here.

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Firefox and GreaseMonkey

Do you use firefox? Then you can use GreaseMonkey extension and any of your required GreaseMonkey scripts. If you need site specific scripts, they are here.

To find all the scripts, go to here.

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Widgets 1.0 - W3C Working Draft 9 November 2006

Are you a widget lover. Do you also love developing widgets that are useful?

If you want to know the technical details of developing widgets, then this site is for you.

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Finding a mentor for you

You know the importance of mentor in your life. Right? Then visit this site. It explains the details of finding the best mentor for all your needs.

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Google Reader Notifier

 Wouldn't it be nice if you could have a software that displays the unread items of your Google Reader account?

Well, now your wish is fullfilled here. This is for Mac OS X Tiger.

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Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for November, 2006

Microsoft has released the security bulletin for November 2006. Check the details here.

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For Your Information site is a good For Your Information site. The various subjects are divided into categories in the right panel of the site.

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Geo Greeting!

You can send a geogreeting to your near and dear ones. allows to send a greeeting with maximum 40 character. The result greeting will contain the buildings which are in the form of characters you include in the greeeting.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Using keyboard instead of mouse.

Have you ever wanted your keyboard to act as your mouse? Lifehacker gives a simple utility using which you can use your keyboard for performing mouse function. Worth a try.

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Essential JavaScript library

A small, but usefull javascript library is available here.

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Lockpicking guide with images

I came accross a nice site today. This is about Lockpicking with detail visual guide.

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Firefox Extensions for Professionals

Here is a list of 25 most important firefox extensions for professionals. Enjoy!

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How NOT to get your site banned by google

We, as web masters, do our best to get our site indexed by google and other search engines. Sometimes the mistakes we make can get our site banned by google.  Here are those mistakes and how to prevent them.

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Rapget 1.26 released

Download the latest version of rapidshare downloader from here.

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Nice Collection of Wallpapers

Is your desktop looking dull? Do you want some beautifull wallpapers for your collection? Here they are: flickr.

Thousands of wallpapers for you. Enjoy!

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Rainbow Tables and RainbowCrack tutorial from Ethical Hacker

Do you know how strong a password should be? The Ethical Hacker has a nice article on this. Check out the Rainbow Tables and RainbowCrack tutorial from their site.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Rationality of voting

 Andrew and Ilya contribute their ripostes to the conventional wisdom (going back to Downs) that voting is irrational due to the relatively small payoffs and large costs involved.

Read the full story here.

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Monday, November 06, 2006

Rapget 1.25a has been released.

Do you download files from rapidshare? Then you will like this download manager. It has lots of features.

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The basics of Digg

Do you want lots of traffic to your site? Then Digg is for you. This site explains the basics of the social book marking phenominon

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Nice Ajax Tutorials

Are you are an Ajax newbie or just want to know the Ajax resources available to you? Youneed2see has a good ajax tutorial.

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All the firefox extensions in one place

Do you use Firefox? If yes, then you will love this page. It contains all the Firefox entensions in one page. They are divided into different categories. So, you can find your required extension easily.

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Getting Things Done: How to Take Control of Life

 Getting Things Done offers a complete system for downloading all those free-floating gotta-do's clogging your brain into a sophisticated framework of files and action lists--all purportedly to free your mind to focus on whatever you're working on. However, it still operates from the decidedly Western notion that if we could just get really, really organized, we could turn ourselves into 24/7 productivity machines. (To wit, Allen, whom the New Economy bible Fast Company has dubbed "the personal productivity guru," suggests that instead of meditating on crouching tigers and hidden dragons while you wait for a plane, you should unsheathe that high-tech saber known as the cell phone and attack that list of calls you need to return.)

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Making a ringtone from mp3 music - complete guide

Do you want to make your favourite mp3 song as a ringtone for your mobile?

Then look no further. Lifehacker has an extensive article on it.

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2 minute photoshop tricks

Are you a photshop fan?

Here is a site to help you further your knowledge about photoshop.

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Java - Infrequently Answered Questions

Do you know about the Java faqs? Well, this post is about something else. This site contains some very interesting questions about the Java programming language.

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php editors, mysql gui clients, templates etc.

This site has extensive coverage of all items php. This includes free and commercial php editors, mysql clients, templates and link to Propel library.

Those doing php needs to check this out. Very helpful.

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