Internet Cash Surveys is all you need to start generating unstoppable cash flow!
Here’s a little piece of information about taking online surveys, participating in focus groups and mystery shopper jobs that the ordinary guys always forget to tell you …
Most of the companies in the field of market research have a process called “screening” which is accomplished through Screener Surveys – and they are absolutely critical to your success with this program!’s talk about Screener SurveysWhen you first register with a market research company, you will most often be asked to complete a “screener” survey. Now I want to be up front about something; you usually will not be paid for these screener surveys, although you most likely will be entered into a drawing for cash or prize rewards. The true purpose of this screener survey is to allow the market research company to better understand who “you” are. These companies use the information you provide about yourself in order to match you up with the right surveys, focus groups or mystery shopper jobs. If you invest the time in completing these screener surveys, you will be exponentially more successful in receiving valid invitations for jobs … paying jobs!
Here is a neat little tidbit of information for you. Since these screener surveys typically do not pay instant cash rewards, many people skip them. By skipping them, these people are not eligible for the cash or prize drawings and so the odds of winning become greater for the people who do take the time to complete them. In addition, the people who skip these screener surveys do not get the same opportunities as those that complete them. Why? Because those that take the time to complete them are providing valuable information to the market research companies, and these companies take the people who complete the screener surveys more seriously and reward them with more opportunities! thoughts …I have fantastic news! Getting paid for your opinion doesn't involve skill, nor is it really hard work ...
The fact of the matter is, it really couldn't be any easier!
Just remember the following tips and you will be well on your way to a nice extra income.
1. Set up a valid email address that you check often –
Virtually all of your survey, mystery shopper and focus group invitations will arrive via email, so when you register with these companies be sure to use a valid, reliable email address that you check often. Try to avoid email providers that filter out every message as potential spam because you will miss opportunities if you never actually get the invitation. Your best bet is to use your Internet Service Provider and have them set up a separate email address just for your registrations.
Note: This becomes critical if you want to implement the strategies revealed earlier to multiply your earnings.
2. Provide accurate data to these companies –
Registering with these companies means you may be asked to provide additional information about yourself … what is referred to as demographic and psychographic information i.e. age, marital status, personality, values, attitudes, interests … that sort of thing.
You are not obligated to provide this information, but certainly are encouraged to do so in order to better your chances of receiving quality, high-paying opportunities. Keep this in mind.
Never provide information that you are not comfortable providing. Just provide as much of the requested information as possible – it will pay dividends later!
3. Register with as many of these companies as you can to increase your opportunities –
Since some surveys are targeted to only women, or possibly to those who live in a certain geographic location, there is a possibility that you will not qualify for every survey, focus group or mystery shopper job.
Therefore, to maximize your earnings potential you need to register with as many companies as possible. Invest the time upfront and reap the rewards for the future!
4. Have Fun! your success, bonus gifts, Internet cash surveys, paid surveys, paid to drive, paid to eat